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Super User

在有自然療法醫師執照規範的省/州,要成為自然療法醫師,必須要在具有自然療法醫學院鑑定協會(Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges)認證的自然療法醫學院就讀畢業才具有報考自然療法醫師執照考試(NPLEX)的資格,
  1. Bastyr University(西雅圖及加州聖地亞哥都有分校)Seattle, Washington, and San Diego, California
  2. Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine(加拿大溫哥華)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  3. Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM)(加拿大多倫多)Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  4. National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM)(美國波特蘭)Portland, Oregon
  5. National University of Health Sciences (NUHS)(美國芝加哥)Chicago, Illinois
  6. SW College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences (SCNM),(美國鳳凰城)Phoenix, Arizona
  7. Univ of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM), Bridgeport, Connecticut (美國康乃狄克州)










自然療法醫師在加拿大大部分的省份及美國部分的州都是具有政府規範,需要通過執照考試(兩階段NPLEX)才能執業的醫師,每一省/州的的自然療法學會對於允許在當地合法執業也有不同的要求,因此各省/州也會另外有法規或/及口試,甚至是實際模擬操作的考試(Board exam),自然療法醫師這個名詞在具有法規規範的省或州,也只有畢業於具有北美自然療法醫學會核可的自然療法醫學院,同時通過NPLEX醫師執照考試及Board exam才能使用的稱號,北美包括美國及加拿大只有七所學會認可的自然療法醫學院,這七所醫學院包括:

1.     Bastyr University(西雅圖及加州聖地亞哥都有分校)Seattle, Washington, and San Diego, California
2.     Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine(加拿大溫哥華)Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
3.     Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) (加拿大多倫多)Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4.     National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) (美國波特蘭)Portland, Oregon
5.     National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) (美國芝加哥)Chicago, Illinois
6.     SW College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences (SCNM),(美國鳳凰城)Phoenix, Arizona
7.    Univ of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM), Bridgeport, Connecticut(美國康乃狄克州)
然而,在沒有政府執照規範的省份自然療法醫師這個名詞是不具規範權威性,也就是什麼人都可以自稱是自然療法醫師,選擇畢業於具有學會認證的自然療法醫學院,同時通過北美聯合兩階段醫師執照考試(NPLEX-I &NPLEX-II)的自然療法醫生是尋求自然療法治病一定要過濾的條件,在北美以外的地區,自然療法醫生也是不被規範,醫療品質也是沒有保障的。
  1. Alberta亞伯達省
  2. British Columbia哥倫比亞省
  3. Manitoba曼尼托巴
  4. Ontario安大略省
  5. Saskatchewan沙省
  6. Nova Scotia 諾瓦斯高省(部分規範)


1.     Alaska阿拉斯加
2.     Arizona亞利桑那
3.     California加州
4.     Colorado科羅拉多
5.     Connecticut康乃迪克
6.     District of Columbia(華盛頓DC
7.     Hawaii夏威夷
8.     Idaho愛達荷州
9.     Kansas堪薩斯州
10.  Maine緬因州
11.  Maryland (starting in 2016)馬里蘭州
12.  Minnesota明尼蘇達州
13.  Montana蒙大拿州
14.  New Hampshire
15.  North Dakota北達克達州
16.  Oregon奧勒岡州
17.  Utah猶他州
18.  Vermont
19.  Washington華盛頓州
20.  U.S. Territories: Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands波多黎各,維京群島

整個醫學養成教育,與medical doctor (MD)是相當的,在前兩年的基礎醫學教育的課程與MD是相同的,診斷及醫檢判讀能力也是一樣的,唯一有區別的就是治病的方式,自然療法使用的治療方式多半是較無毒無害、副作用較少的治療方式,強調治本重於治標,療程上,病人的心理層面及感受,更是自然療法極為重視的一環,因為自然療法相信身心靈必須同時獲得治療,才能將疾病徹底剷除,在大部分加拿大的省份及美國的部分州,自然療法醫師也俱有與家庭醫師一樣的處方權,在必要時還是可以開立處方藥,例如急性微生物感染或是嚴重的高血壓等。
Wednesday, 03 June 2015 22:59


Meadow-Ridge Location
302-20285 Stewart Crescent
Maple Ridge, BC V2X8G1


South Surrey Location
Abundance Dental & Wellness Centre
203-15292 Croydon Drive
Surrey, BC V3Z 0Z5(2nd floor)
Tel: 604.560.3868

Direct Line: 604.889.0938 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Book an Appointment





Friday, 29 May 2015 20:59

TW - About

Dr. Christine Chen graduated from Taipei Medical University with Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. She received the Pharmacist licence in Taiwan in the same year she graduated. She continued her study at the University of Wisconsin in pursuit of a Master degree in Nutrition. After 14 years of working in the pharmaceutical and nutrition supplement industry and as a clinical health counselor, Dr. Chen decided to begin her Naturopathic Doctorate Degree at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in BC, Canada and she received her ND license and prescription right two months after she graduated. 

Dr. Chen had worked as health counselor to help hundreds people regain their health, for more than 2 decades. Dr. Chen’s practice focuses on metabolic symptoms, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, digestive complications, autoimmune, hormone issues such as hyper-/hypo-thyroidism, PCOS, menopause symptoms and weight control.  Dr. Chen also participated a research project and treatment protocol development for Autism and ADHD.  To be a mother, Dr. Chen is also enthusiastic in children's health and development. 

With both allopathic and naturopathic backgrounds, Dr. Chen uses naturopathic medicine, such as botanical medicine, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, Chinese herbal formula and nutrition as a primary treatment principle in her practice. For difficult control or acute illness, Dr. Chen combines prescription and naturopathic treatment to boost the treatment result and minimize the side effect from synthetic medication treatment.

Licensure & Certificate: 

  • Registered Pharmacist in Taiwan
  • Certified Natural Product Advisor (CHFA)
  • Licensed Naturopathic Physician in BC, Canada
  • Certified in Intravenous Therapy (IV)
  • Board Certified Chelation therapy (detoxification of toxic elements) (CNPBC)
  • Certified in Prescription authority through the CNPBC
  • Board Certified Aesthetic Procedures- Facial mesotherapy, fat reduction and body contouring using injection or other techniques & devices (CNPBC)
  • Board Certified Acupuncturist (CNPBC)
  • Board Certified Immunizer (CNPBC, BCCDC)


College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC (CNPBC)
British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA)
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)


Saturday, 23 May 2015 05:43

Fee Schedule

Initial Visit (60 mins) $200
Pediatric First visit, 12 yrs & under (45/30 mins) $160/$120
Return Office Visit (60 mins) $195
Brief Office Visit (15-20 mins) $85
Extended Visit (75-90 mins) $250
Return Visit (45 mins) $160
Acupunture treatment (45min) $90
Telemedicine: same rate as office visit

We accept WeChat pay, etransfer and Cash. 



Friday, 22 May 2015 21:03


Friday, 22 May 2015 21:03


Friday, 22 May 2015 21:02


With her comprehensive medical background, Dr. Christine Chen will integrate different modalities of treatment in order to remove health obstacles, and help regain good living quality. In the journey to a healthy life, Dr. Christine Chen will use treatments such as:

  • Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicines
  • Botanical medicines & Hoemopathy
  • IV & Injection 
  • Aesthetic Procedure: Mesotherapy, Botullium toxin & Dermal filler injection, lipolysis injection
  • Nutrition medicine
  • Bio-Identical Hormone
  • Liver detox program
  • Lab tests
  • Prescription 


Dr. Christine Chen holds many years of experience in health counselling for complicated illnesses. As a mother of a girl, living with the elderly, Dr. Christine Chen has taken particular interest women’s health, as well as illnesses related to aging such as:

  • Metabolic syndroms: Diabetes, Hypertension, Gout, and obesity
  • Hormone issues: PCOS, menopause syndroms, PMS and hypo-/hyper- thyroidism
  • GI: Acid reflux (GERD), IBS, SIBO, digestion dysfunction (gas, bloating, stomach ache, diarrhea/constipation, etc)
  • Immune: Autoimmune, allergy
  • Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, MCAS (Master Cell Acitve Syndrome)
  • Weight management 


Friday, 22 May 2015 21:00


Dr. Christine Chen graduated from Taipei Medical University with Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. She received the Pharmacist licence in Taiwan in the same year she graduated. She continued her study at the University of Wisconsin in pursuit of a Master degree in Nutrition. After 14 years of working in the pharmaceutical and nutrition supplement industry and as a clinical health counsellor, Dr. Chen decided to begin her Naturopathic Doctorate Degree at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in BC, Canada and she received her ND license and prescription right two months after she graduated. 

Dr. Chen had worked as health counsellor to help hundreds people regain their health, for more than 2 decades. Dr. Chen’s practice focuses on metabolic symptoms, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, digestive complications, autoimmune, hormone issues such as hyper-/hypo-thyroidism, PCOS, menopause symptoms and weight control.  Dr. Chen also participated a research project and treatment protocol development for Autism and ADHD.  To be a mother, Dr. Chen is also enthusiastic in children's health and development. 

With both allopathic and naturopathic backgrounds, Dr. Chen uses naturopathic medicine, such as botanical medicine, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, Chinese herbal formula and nutrition as a primary treatment principle in her practice. For difficult control or acute illness, Dr. Chen combines prescription and naturopathic treatment to boost the treatment result and minimize the side effect from synthetic medication treatment.

Dr. Chen is a member of College of Naturopathic Physicians of BC (CNPBC)British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA) and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND).  Beside complete the basic medical training from school, Dr. Chen also took extra specialty trainings and gained certificate and licenses:

Licensure & Certificate: 

  • Licensed Naturopathic Physician in BC, Canada
  • Certified in Intravenous  (IV) Therapy
  • Certified in Intravenous chelation Therapy (CNPBC)
  • Certified in Prescription authority through the CNPBC
  • Board Certified Aesthetic Procedures- Facial mesotherapy, fat reduction and body contouring using injection or other techniques & devices (CNPBC)
  • Board Certified Aesthetic Procedures- Cosmetic Botullinium toxin & injectable filler. (CNPBC)
  • Board Certified Acupuncture (CNPBC)
  • Registered Pharmacist in Taiwan
  • Certified Natural Product Advisor (CHFA)